Are you tired of the crap lying around your house? Or in your car? Your workplace? I sure am! Last…
So much depends on it I’m not going to mince words. Ask my children. They’ll attest that I am not one…
Not everyone is meant to charge through the world carrying a spear. From Elizabeth Gilbert’s novel, City of Girls I have three…
A story on NPR a couple of weeks ago caught my attention. In it, a researcher tried to answer the question,…
Failure in retirement is not an option Recently, I missed a staffing commitment as a Medium editor. I’d offered to…
Do you have to be a beast every day? Yes. Yes, you do. What is a beast? Historically, calling a person a beast denoted…
When I decided to take early retirement last year, I knew I’d be taking a reduced pension. Financial security is…
Losing weight post-menopause is really tricky business. I’m ten years into this phase and I’ve tried numerous solutions. These could…